Main Sewer Line & Drain

Main Sewer Line & Drain Cleaning Services in Casa Grande, AZ

Brutinel Plumbing & Electrical, Inc. has been providing professional plumbing and electrical services to the residents of Casa Grande, AZ since 1949. One of the most common jobs we perform are our drain cleaning services. Whether it’s a clogged drain or main sewer line clog, it’s important to get this taken care of when you notice the problem and not wait until the problem can worsen. Our experienced team of technicians will come out to your home or business to assess the situation and provide a free estimate on our main sewer line & drain cleaning services throughout Casa Grande.

Sewer Line Clean Out & Clogged Drain Pipes

Clogged drain pipes are quite the nuisance and because of this, it’s important to know the signs of blocked drains and when to call in the professionals to unclog it. Water backing up or pooling around a sink / shower drain, or draining slowly. When running the sink, your toilet water bubbles and sometimes drains gurgle after running a washer or dryer. If you’re seeing these signs, give us a call!

Brutinel Plumbing & Electrical, Inc. can also help with sewer line clean outs. If you think having one drain clogged is a pain, imagine a clog in the main sewer line. We offer sewer line clean outs in Casa Grande, AZ, so call us if you notice multiple drains backing up, drainage in your sewer clean out, sewage leaking into your floor drain or water backing up into your shower when the toilet is flushed.

Outside Drain & Sewer Drain Cleaning in Casa Grande

If the outside drain is blocked, you run the risk of flooding that can result in expensive damages. The most common times of the year that your outside drain can be blocked are during fall and winter. Falling leaves may be beautiful to watch, but they can clog your outside sewer drain along with the rain. During the winter, piled up snow or even thawed snow and ice can back up the drains and cause it to flood. In these instances, it’s important to call our team at Brutinel Plumbing & Electrical, Inc. for outside sewer drain cleaning.

Call our technicians today if you are having issues in your home or business with clogged drains, no matter how small or large. 


Electrical Breakers


Clogged Toilets